WEEK 51 - Regular life is good!

This week on our way back from Cusco the assistants called me and said,  "Hey when y'all get back you have to set up a facetime call for Elder Sancan (who is from Ecuador)  so he can talk to President."
So when we got there we set it all up and then they give us the facetime of someone else so we call this guy and it was the Mission President of Elder Sancan's HOME area telling him that his mom was getting baptized!  It was the coolest thing everrrr! It was his birthday too! Was super special for him! 

TIME IS FLYING BY!  I will be coming home about this time next year so we are officially on the downhill stretch of the mission! 

Gotta make my minutes count so I won't be writing too long today.  We have some appointments before p-day ends.

I'm good and the week's been good!! We're teaching a lot of families. Many of them need to get married so they will be long processes before baptism.

 (SIDE NOTE FROM MOM: This seems to be an issue in all of Peru - many couples are unmarried and living together which will cause a delay in their baptisms until they officially get married. I am noticing it as a similar issue from all the young people I know serving missions in various areas of the country.)

My companion's really good. He will be going home next transfer.  

I have no pictures because I have no memory card right now. My companion is in Cusco trying to get it fixed for me. 

My heart is full and happy to see Elder Larsen finish his mission! Its like Alma 26 when Ammon sees that his brothers are still in the race. Its a joy I can't describe.

Elder Larsen's Homecoming Video

Were taking off!! I love you tons! Hope all is well!  
