WEEK 58 - Life is hard but there is something to learn from every situation.

Look at this? Hilton Head LAX short - IN PERU??!!!???!!!


So for those not familiar with Mission jargon, each mission (and there are hundreds around the world) have a Mission President and wife who are assigned to watch over the Mission. Think of it like the Principal of a school,  a religious leader over a congregation, or a boss over a business. They have mission business to tend to but their main purpose is to lead, love and take care of the missionaries in their care. 
Mission Presidents and their wives serve for 3 years.

 Shortly after Connor got his mission call to Cusco, Peru through a series of little miracles he and I were invited to meet with the former mission president who had just left that mission after serving with his sweet wife for 3 years. His name is President Harbertson. We were connected up with Pre H because he lives in the same area as our dear friend Kathryn who lives in UT. Connor and I spent about 2 1/2 hours with Pres and Sis Harbertson and learned many of the ups and downs of life as a missionary in Peru. There was much advice to be had in those precious hours but one piece of guidance sticks out in my mind and seeing this video brings tears to my eyes because I KNOW that Connor has taken Pres Harbertson's advice to heart. 
Pres H challenged Connor to teach his Latino companions English. 
I remember the words clearly, "Connor, the greatest gift you can give to your
Native missionary companions is to teach them English. 
It will change their life forever."
There was a lot of other advice that day but this video....oh how it makes me smile! :) 
You will hear Connor speaking awesome Spanish and you will hear his
companion, Elder Zarate, speaking English. I am so proud of both these boys!!

HOME TOUR - English or Spanish 
You choose!!

MOM'S TWO CENTS TO CONNOR which CONFIRMS the advice above:
I just read an article about a meeting our prophet, Pres Nelson, had with the missionaries in the Dominican Republic this week. Here is a little excerpt:
"President Nelson encouraged the English-speaking missionaries to teach their Spanish-speaking companions their native language. He issued the Spanish-speaking missionaries a similar charge to teach their companions who speak English as their first language....
Help one another — teach, teach, teach...It’s so exciting.”

Elders Tiza, Halvorson, Clancy and Zarate

58: Aug Sept 3rd

So sorry but I won't have much time today sadly! I have to send Elder Jensen to Andahualays! 

Happy for Ty! Congrats to Jake for being home. 
Elder Jensen has been sick...No worries...He's doing a lot better too. I'm spending the day with him today.


Week has been good! I have a very special thing to share at the end.  

We didn't have any baptisms planned this week.  Something I've learned lately is all gospel principles come true.

We're teaching a new family -  that's super cool!! They're a part member family so we may have a baptism soon!! We will see.

Something I've come to know more strongly. since I have been out there is..Life is hard but there is something to learn from every situation. 

Not sure about post mission college plans yet. Pre H has given me permission to work on my applications. I'm going to start it all tomorrow with Elder Halvorsen because he got into BYU  - maybe he can help me.

Experience : I helped a friend this week. He really reached out to me and we really connected. He shared about feeling alone and I shared some experiences about high school and how there's always someone but sometimes we just shut them out and decide to be lonely and sad. We've become really close after this experience and his coompanionship has gotten a ton better. Love the guy!

OOPS - Ripped pants!!

Legs are growing from
all that walking I guess!!
