WEEK 47 - MACHU PICCU The trip of a Lifetime!

Connor's explanation of Macchu Picchu was simple - It was incredible - hard to describe in words and he'll tell me more about it when he comes home ha ha I really had hoped for more info since I may never see it myself and How, as a missionary, did it feel to be there? One of the 7 Wonders of the World??? WOW

Anyway, I reached out to another missionary mom, Tanya, asking if she would share her son's perceptions of the day (I know he writes more). To my delight, she so kindly shared her son's observations!

I will share a few parts of his email...
So we left at 6 in the morning from the church to go to the train staion which was about 2 hours away in a van. After stopping by the pension to grab a few snacks, we headed out. Made it to the train station, then got into the train and went to the Machu Picchu Pueblo. Just this little tourist town outside of Machu Picchu. We were able to explore there for an hour before we headed up. There was some cool stuff there, just everything was super overpriced.  Then, we got in another bus and went up.  

It's kinda hard to describe wth words, the pictures don't really do it justice either, but it was just sooooo cool. We had a tour guide who took us through everything. He wasn't the best to be honest, but he said some cool things though. So the Incans believed in three kingdoms after this world. ... There were just some cool fun facts like that mixed into it under a bunch of guessing. 

So after the tour, we were allowed to go baack in to explore. We found the place where elder Useda almost died (the part he descibed from hs conferende talk). don't worry, we didn't go on it...actually it's blocked off now anyway. We also found somethng that looked like a baptisimal font (we took a picture of it)...

It was just super cool...definitely felt Book of Mormony. Before we left, a member who works there gave us a quick training thing, and he sad that once an apostle visited there, and the apostle said that "Jesus has been here". Crazy stufff!


