WEEK 50 - The good life in Abancay

Elder Yangali, Elder Clancy and Elder Jensen

Hey! What's up everybody?!! 

Sorry I haven't written in like forever!! 

I am currently in a new area with a new companion!  My area is called Abancay! (Pronounced Ah-Bun-kai) It's super cool! Google it!! 

My companion is named Elder Yangali! Super awesome guy from here in Peru! 

We are happy and healthy working hard and doing the best we can to help these people! 

I know we are all going through our different challenges and struggles but just remember that God loves you waaaaay more than you can imagine! It doesn't matter the things you have done!! He's perfect and will forgive you!! Reach out to him in prayer and ask him to help you!! He will!! 

Love ya'll tons and hope life's good!! Shoot me an email!! 

-Elder Clancy

Elder Yangali, President Herrera and Elder Clancy

Elders Clancy, Jensen and Yangali

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