WEEK 53 - Adventures and baptisms in Abancay

GAME NIGHT from last week.

We found a place that served hamburgers for less
than 5.00 in American money - SCORE!

Hi Ma!

I'm really doing good. No idea who my new companion will be but yes, basically 1000% sure I'll be staying here.  Really wanting a good companion that I can really click with. I know I would have soooo much fun in this area with someone like Elder D. I miss him! 

My companion, Elder Yangali, is super excited to go home. Next week this time he'll be in his own house. Pretty crazy thought! 

We had a baptism this week! Her name is Jaquelin! She got baptized in 17 days from when we met her! SUPER FAST! She hasn't missed a Sunday since and has a heck of a testimony. Really amazing!  She has a little daughter named Valentina. We met someone named Victoria this week who owns a spa, and another girl named Janet who has taken all the lessons before and is progressing super duper fast as well. We are teaching basically all girls...pretty unusual. 

People of Abancay are really good. They give us a lot of references
with their friends.

What I've done as a Zone Leader (with and without my companion) is go
to each one of the branches' ward council and talk about the importance
of references and how to give them. With a good reference comes a full
name, an address, and a first appointment with the person giving the

We walk everywhere. We dont knock a lot of doors because it's more of a city
and all of the houses have like 8 families in it. If someone isn't
expecting a visitor they don't answer the door.

I have learned a lot from Elder Yangali  - more than anything about how
fast it's all going to go hahaha. He also has taught me a lot of how to
be a good Zone Leader and what to focus on. Really good guy. He's been a
Zone Leader for over a year now.

I feel like I truly have testimony now. When I say things I can
feel the spirit testify to me and to the people I'm teaching. It's a
good feeling to say the least. Now I understand more clearly why Prophets are so
important and why we need the The Church of Jesus Christ. There are a lot
of basic gospel truths that are lost and I want to share them with the people I teach.

I'm behind in my journaling, but I'm catching up. I have notes in my agendas for everything. 

No, no Pioneer Day here.

I'm all good! Loved my package I got this week! Been tearing up the Doritos! 

Thanks a ton for that!

Love ya tonssss,

Service Project from last week
Game Night from last week
Elder Yangali at our Service Project 
Service Project Time
We pulled down some fruit from trees
Service Project

Sisters from our Zone

The two young men
on the left just
got baptized
At the baptism


Playing Paintball on P-Day
