Week #13 - Sick as a dog

Elder Clancy, Elder Clobes, Elder Kelson, Elder Owens, Elder Ordoñez and Elder
Hey everyone! 

So my week was rough...I was quite sick! It's pretty interesting! I'm getting a lot better, but this past week we went to Cusco to do our Legal paperwork and eat McDonalds and when we got back on Thursday I got really sick in the morning. Gross!! Then allllll night long I was sick and the next day all the way until now so I haven't worked for days....rough week. 

BUT I got a package and 9 letters from friends and family hahaha so that was quite a boost to my spirits. 

Now I'm basically all the way better just have to go back to the doctor for tests. They think maybe a stomach infection. 

I'm doing a lot better!! Although I don't have much to tell this week because of being sick.

Quick funny story from this week before I was sick was while I was in Cusco. The missionary in the Office in charge of letters hadn't been able to open this container full of letters for missionaries and he didn't know who had the key or how to do it, so he asked for suggestions. Jokingly I said, "Hacksaw?" 

And to my pleasure he said, "Good idea - lets go!" So we went and bought a hacksaw, sawed off the old lock and bought a new one....He's got the key now ;) 

I know that the Lord loves us all and that he feels our trials!! This week may have been really hard for me, but that's okay!! This week will be better for sure!! 

Proverbs 3: 5-6

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and he shall direct thy paths.

Love you guys!! 
Elder Clancy
Mama Shrylay helped me to make one of my
favorite cookie recipes last week. 

Mama Shrylay took us to Mareas on Tuesday of last week.
It was the bomb!!

Elder Clobes chows down on some Shrimp!!

We played soccer "futbol" today during Pday.
See, I am feeling better!
