Just Smile and Wave, Boys! Just Smile and Wave!
So my mother says that everyone is curious on what its like to be a missionary in Peru! Here we go with no holding back :)
On a normal day we wake up at 6:30 a.m. We work out, study and get ready. At 8 a.m. we go down the hill to our pensionista's house usually hearing some comments from some ¨borrachos¨ which means drunks - yes at 8 am in the morning :)
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Miss Shyrlay - She's great & is so good to us. |
After we eat we head back to our apartment and usually study until about 12. We study language, scriptures, and missionary training stuff for me because I'm still the newby! Then we usually have a lesson at 1 p.m. in the chapel. On our way there we usually hear a pastor yell at us on a microphone in the square, "No hay un Libro de Mormon." (There is no Book of Mormon) on our way to our cita and like the Penguins of Madagascar always say, " Just smile and wave boys...smile and wave ;) "
Our citas (lessons) are usually super fun. We always joke and keep it light-hearted. We usually head back to our pension for lunch. A pensionista is someone who cooks for the missionaries 3 times a day. Our pension, Mama Sherlyey calls me her "wawito" which is Chechuan for little baby hahaha. Shes great! We are very grateful for her.
Then we usually have 2 more citas and then either call the Zone Leaders and see if we can help them or we head home for the night and study once again still hearing more stuff about The Book of Mormon or just random comments from borrachos but, I know they just don't know any better. :) I love those people too! It's sad they were never taught any different. :(
Dinner is at 8 or 9 p.m. and then our day is over :)
The people here are wonderful and I love them all!
Elder Jensen front and center trying to get my camera to work. Turns out the lens was just foggy! |
The other day we were walking past the soccer field by our house when one man said, "Aye mire gringos" which means, "Hey look - white guys."
His friend then said, "Eses gringos nos sirven porque hablan la palabra de Dios." which means:
These Americans serve a purpose because they talk about the Word of God!
It was all super slurred though because they both were extremely drunk, but my companion and I just chuckled and kept moving. The people all have great hearts.
This is what its like to be a missionary in Peru! :)
Love you guys!
At Miss Shrylay's house.
At Momma Shrylays home!!
These friend on the right is on date for baptism
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