WEEK #4 - 13 Stitches but I still caught it!!

Elder Marlowe and Me
13 Stitches but I still caught it!!

Hello my family and friends,

I will start by saying what a week!! This story will be about how I made a new friend!

The new missionaries came this week (Over 50 of them) and they are all super cool!! I think that they may have brought some bad luck with them though... On the first day someone tore a ligament in their foot and someone got a big cut right across their nose. Now is where my life got interesting!! The next day while playing some gnarly pony ball, me and Elder Marlowe collided heads. (This is Friday) Intitially I didn´t think anything of it. I caught the ball and tossed it away but then realized there was blood everywhere. I said whose blood is this only to find out it was both of ours lol. My thought was darn it now I have to sit out..so we went to the side and the chaperone ran to go get a first aid kit and Hermana Moore but only came back with the first aid kit. I cleaned us both up(#EagleScout) and explained to the chaperone in broken Spanish what happened and then I went back to playing hahahha. The whole time of course I´m enjoying the attention from everyone about the blood all the way down my face and stuff it was so pretty hahaha. So afterwards I think I´m totally good and I go to take a shower and find out that it´s a nice big ol gash.. I look to my companion and he immediately says lets go get stitches. Then I get to interrupt a big meeting of teachers and enjoy more attention. They then tell me to go get my clothes and such and I was enjoying the ooos and ahhhs all the way back hahaha. So they cleaned Elder Marlowe and Is clothes and then we get to take a trip to the Hospital in Lima. The drive was wild as always but I was using my basic spanish to talk to the driver and Elder Marlowe thought I was some sort of spanish wizard because he´s only been studying for 2 days.

"....Elder Marlowe...is an artist. He´s been to several countries, he collects vinyl records, and he even qualified for archery in the Olympics, but he hurt his arm, and then couldn´t.”)

So we get tot this super small clean Peruvian emergency room and they tell us that the cuts are almost identical and that a plastic surgeon is coming from 45 minutes away to do our stitches. The whole time me and Elder Marlowe are talking about everything and became best buds and found out we had mutual friends (the Curtis Family and Courtnie Lamb) and it was awesome hahaha. So then I get all cleaned up with my stiches and they say it´s Elder Marlowe´s turn to go. So after he goes in the driver tells me he has to go pick someone up and that he will come back for us...he said if I´m not back in time just wait by the road...so in my awful spanish I get us out of the hospital and everything...TALK ABOUT AN EXPERIENCE. So we then sat by the street corner watching the crazy Lima traffic and everything and eventually make it back lol.

So yeah! This week has been so great!! Spanihs is coming along so much better than a couple weeks ago and I´ve been able to give advice more to the new guys and to some of the Zone leaders and I just love it here! This whole experience is the coolest thing ever! I hit 1 month this week WHAT THE HECK!

I love you all and hope you´re doing great!
Sorry this was way long!
Hope to hear from yáll soon!!

Elder Clancy

I hope this covers all your questions!! I love you all and yes they gave me an opportunity to call home but I decided not to. Love you!!

CONNOR WROTE US (Mom and Dad) another letter and there were a few extra details in that letter that I will share here:

1.) As you may have already seen I had quite the incident on Friday but I SWEAR I'm doing great! They gave me a chance to call or email but I chose not to because I didn't want y'all to worry! (At that point we didn't know too much.)Dr. Asay is my branch president here and he has been checking up on me every day and says that the stitches were extremely well done! He said it shouldn't scar much if at all. I was kind of upset honestly ha ha I thought it would be a cool story to tell hee hee

2.) Me: Do you use Rosetta Stone?  Connor: Nope, we use a program called TALL

3.) ME: WHAT IS PONY BALL??????  Connor: Wild sport! Love ya next week!

4.)  I also wanted to write this and share in a little more detail how well I'm doing! So I literally feel like I just got here and yet I hit a month this week! How crazy is that?! I have so much to learn! This Saturday on my month mark we get to go into the Lima East Mission and tract with an elder serving there! That will be so COOL!! 

5.) I started reading the Book of Mormon again a couple of weeks ago and now I'm in Alma 55… The things that people did to preserve this record is truly amazing. I hope that you're all reading it. When I read it my testimony of Joseph Smith grows so much. There's no way he could have written all of this without God’s help. Not to mention it only took two years when he was 21 to 23… I don't know where I'd be without this gospel.

My testimony (shortened):
This church is true and I'm where I'm supposed to be... Joseph Smith is a true prophet of God. There is no way that he could have made this book up. I have a testimony that God can help us learn anything, especially languages….

Se que Jesus Cristo es mi salvador y también del mundo. Creo que el Espirata Santo puede cambibia nuestra vidas si tenemos fe en el Evangelio.  Estoy muy agradecido para mis maestros y por la oportunidad servir en Cusco. Le ama todas las personas en el mundo, pero especialmente ustedes  I LA IGLESIA ES VERDAD!

IM AAHAL KITA! (Tagalog) 
This means I love you all

Connor's Companion is Elder Cromwell from Las Vegas area.
Elder Cromwell is in the red tie.
6.) I have memorized the missionary objective in Spanish as well as the baptismal invitation, the first vision, Moroni 10:4-5, James 1: 5 and John 3:16 (all in Spanish) It's pretty wild! Love y'all

7.) My companion and my district are doing awesome. I think will be friends for life. It's really going so fast. 

Elder Chevier from Atlanta

8.) Also want to take a second and say that Elder Chevrier is a total STUD! His first name is Stephen. He's one of our zone leaders right now and is always striving to get better. Seriously, I look up to this guy so much.


  1. Conner so glad you're doing so well. Your old neighbor Sam misses you.


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