He left over a week ago and I finally sat down to create a blog as an opportunity to tell about his mission experiences - mostly through HIS eyes - but also to chronicle the moments leading up to his call as well.
Serving a mission is a huge undertaking. It's something that Connor and most other young people in our faith plan on all their lives. From their earliest days, serving the Lord through a full time mission is something that we take very seriously. Many years of preparation go into the actual decision.
Connor has always wanted to serve a mission. He didn't want to do a year of college first - he wanted to get out of HS and go! So in honoring that decision, we helped him get prepared not quite knowing when he would enter missionary training center. (You submit your availability date but never know exactly WHEN OR WHERE you will be called).
After months of prep and paperwork - passport renewals, doctor and dentist visits, interviews and more paperwork, Connor submitted his papers to Church headquarters. A few weeks later (or more - I'm already forgetting but I know it was April 3rd) he received his call in the mail. It's a pretty recognizable envelope - a big white one!! See the smile??
Connor was hoping to open his call at the conclusion of his baseball game that day, but because of rain the game had been postponed. So we planned a really quick impromptu party and invited TONS of people both in person and on FB live!
Naturally everyone was both excited and surprised at the call to Cusco, Peru!! We soon found out that Cusco is home to Machu Picchu - we knew there was lots to learn but first we would celebrate!!
THANKS to these dear friends who came out to celebrate with Connor on this big day!! So much love and support - SO GRATEFUL!! |
Trying to SPELL PERU!! After the main crowd left that night Braydon and Maddie stayed and made up a song called, "Connor's Goin' to Peru" on the piano - It was great - I have the video on my iPhone! |
So life moved in fast forward motion as we began the task of getting everything and I mean EVERYTHING needed to go to South America. From notebooks to a thousand white shirts, suit pants and ties. From shoes with the largest soles you ever did see to anti- diarrhea medicine - YEP YOU READ THAT RIGHT!!!! From bug spray to sheets treated with bug spray to alarm clocks with old fashioned batteries - to Peruvian money to new power adapters for Peru!! AND A WATER BOTTLE WITH A FILTER AND AN EXTRA FILTER!!!!! Ugh - And to top it all off - some SERIOUS shots - to the tune of over $400.00 YIKES!!! Yellow Fever and Typhoid - BE STILL MY SOUL!!!! Oh my gosh - scary stuff but we are not the first to walk this path!! Sacrifice?? Ya think??? Yes folks this is the real deal!!!
Momma Stace and Momma Kathryn |
Connor and I went to UT for Spring Break to see Tyler and in the process we scored on some important missionary items. Thankfully we got a bunch of needed items from Missionary Mall in Orem - namely A COAT!! A REAL WINTER COAT!!!! Pretty funny because it's hard getting a really good winter coat in SC at ANY time of the year let alone a WINTER COAT for a 5'4" guy in the middle of JULY in SC!!! But we scored on one at Missionary Mall and also got a few sweaters, a bazillion socks, free tie, and some random packing items as well.
Missionary Mall has a wall with push pins for missionaries to place on their missions. FUN! |
During our trip up North we scheduled a quick lunch get together/meet and greet with Moms who had sons that were serving or who had served here in Beaufort. How cool is that???? I feel so blessed to be in the presence of these great and marvelous women!!! We met at Kneaders in Kaysville.
Ok - some dads and one RM (returned missionary) came too ha ha
On another tender mercy note, when Kathryn and I got up to order our food that day, the cute cashier commented on our fun party. She asked what the occasion was so I said, "Well all of these Moms have sons who served as missionaries in my ward in South Carolina. "
She said, "That's so neat. My brother is serving a mission back East too. He is in the Georgia Macon Mission."
We both screamed, "THAT'S THE MISSION. What is his name?"
She says, "Elder Hawkins."
We all cracked up at how much of a tender mercy it was that she would be working at that very time!!
And lest I not let you know what an amazing artist Elder Hawkins' Dad is here is a link to his Dad's amazing work:
L to R Katherine Burtenshaw, Connor, Sheri Miggin, Me, Brother Taylor, Holly Taylor, Carson Taylor, Kathryn Godderidge, Becky Irons, Karlan Richards |
So after our incredible lunch meeting (I mean seriously - could this day get any better?) Kathryn takes us up to meet President and Sister Harbertson. I get emotional just typing this!! This dear couple welcomes us into their home as family - then begins to try and express in words the love they have for the People of Peru, for their mission, for their missionaries and their deep and abiding love for the Savior. I was overwhelmed in more ways than one.
Over 2 hours later we are filled with knowledge - both marvelous and challenging - and pages and pages of notes. We get wise advice for both missionary and his Momma - and lots to process. This journey won't be easy but it WILL be worth it. The main message is LOVE the Lord - LOVE your companion and BE OBEDIENT. ALL WILL BE WELL.
During our time there the Harbertsons had a quick conversation with Kathryn about an elderly couple in their ward who had a grandson who was just called to the Cusco Mission as well. I asked if it was possible that the boys could meet before going o Cusco. They all said they would figure out how to arrange that but it would take some time to make the connection. All they knew was that this young man was at a college "back East". Little did we know that the Tender mercies of the Lord would, once again, come into play and lead us to that young man before the Harbertsons or their elderly friend could even make the connection for us.
In addition, I explained that shortly after Connor was called to Cusco, I took a quiet moment to look for blogs of missionaries serving in Cusco. The very first blog that I came to was the LAST post of the two-year blog kept by an elder which deeply touched my soul - his words made an indelible impression upon my heart and put me at ease. Connor was moved as well. As I described the post to President Harbertson he listened intently. Upon ending my description of the post, he nodded his head and thoughtfully said, "I bet that is Elder Neilson."
Sure enough it was....
As THE FATHER knows his son....this mission father knew his "son" too. That touched my heart deeply. I can only hope that Connor's mission president will be that in tune with his missionaries too.
If you'd like to read Elder Neilson's last blog post from 2016, click on the link below:
(BTW - I found "Elder" Neilson on FB (yes, I know I'm persistent!) He's now just Brandon - he's home now from his mission - He's at BYU - and - he recently got engaged!! So happy for him!!)
So after a competitive baseball season, HS graduation, graduation party, seminary graduation, Eagle Court of Honor we got ready for the LAUNCH!
On July 8th we made a trip to the Columbia SC Temple as is customary before Elders and Sisters embark on their missions. It was a day filled with love from so many people.
It is tradition that when missionaries leave for their missions they speak at church. It used to be called a "farewell". In years past it was a huge deal and families of the missionaries spoke too. However, in last few years it has evolved into something a tad more simple - Some still call it a FAREWELL - some don't however, I'll call it CONNOR'S FAREWELL TALK. He gave a wonderful talk about his feelings on the Book of Mormon and shared his testimony. So many dear friends and family were there to support him!! THANK YOU!!!
Perhaps I'll get around to writing his talk here on his page but until then I'll never forget his recitation of one part of this amazing testimony of President Jeffrey R. Holland:
During the Sunday School hour, Connor was set apart as a full-time missionary in an very special and spiritual meeting with our Stake President, President Odiorne. Joining Pres Odiorne in the circle was of course, Matt and then Bishop Morgan and President Doray. Others present were Grammy, Grampy, Sister Doray, Justin and myself. Matt was now Connor's companion until he got on the plane to Peru. :)
Following Church that day we had a special dinner at our house. Justin and Frank had traveled all the way from FL up to see Connor speak and to attend his send off party so they came along with Grammy and Grampy. We had lasagne and other good stuff!! Then everyone did their own thing until the send off party.
Thanks to dear friends who knew I was on overload in a house with many needed repairs, the dear Adams hosted Connor's farewell at their lovely home. I don't have adequate words to express my appreciation for their kindness!! They are good to the core. Many people came that evening to share in the LOVE!! I took a ton of pics so we could remember this special day and all the wonderful people who have so richly blessed our lives. So many people brought food and treats to share - THANK YOU!!!!
It was amazing to see and feel the love everyone had for our family and for our missionary!!
THE CUTEST and TASTIEST cookies in town from Charlotte's Cookies in Beaufort, SC!! |
Brother Christensen, Brother Pfaffroth and Sister Pfaffroth Sister P was Connor's Primary teacher for many years. |
Cindy added her extra LOVE by bringing awesome SHRIMP to the party!! YUM!!! |
Shrimp dip - OUT OF THIS WORLD!! |
Frank and Justin drove ALL the way from FL to SC to share this special occasion with our family. It was a crazy time but they were super good sports about our crazy schedule!! |
Hartley and Connor enjoying their last game of Cornhole for a while!! |
This pic was the night before Connor left. G&G Matt, Connor and I went to Outback so Connor could have a really good steak before he left his North American Cuisine behind for a time!! |
YUM!! |
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