Missionaries usually have a favorite tie - one or even a few that are of deep significance
to them during their service.
The reasons vary but in this case this tie was very meaningful to Connor.
 It was a gift from Elder Larsen to Connor. Elder Larsen signed his name on the back.
Connor planned to wear it the day he left on his mission.
We gave Elder Larsen this same tie clip that says CALLED TO SERVE.
He has played an important part in Connor's life.


So that dreaded day came - yeah - it's cool to go on a mission but MAN, OH MAN -  is it ever HARD to say goodbye!!! It's the worst part!!

Everyone got up early, Connor had leftover steak for breakfast, we made the final preparations - including shoving the last few items into the suitcase and we made it to the airport on time (Matt was so proud of me!!) Miraculously, both bags made weight and they were off.
Calling Macaulay and
Elder G one last time before boarding.

Then we SAT and SAT and SAT some more....why? Because we were SO early to the airport. Ha ha

We visited, dreaded that goodbye, checked the flight status and then visited some more. Matt suggested he go out and get us some lunch from CHICK-FIL-A. That was a no brainer as it's Connor's favorite place on earth and the perfect last American meal for our Elder!!

We enjoyed our lunch together and then came time for Connor to head down through security.


Be still my soul....The Lord is on my side....

I kept thinking of the Nashville Tribute Band's song, "God Bless My Son"

Here is a little video I found online:

Tell me there is a place in heaven, Where her voice cannot be heard. Through time and space as a beam of
Light, it travels like a bird Into the ear of the father, as he looks Down on her, as she prays... Bless my son Bless my precious one. Give him the strength to find the faith of Ammon. Give him the power of Paul in his tongue. Give him the spirit to soften hearts of stone, and bring them home. Until he's done... Bless my son... Bless my son. To everyone else she knows he's just another boy gone two years. But to her, he's flesh and blood who seems so far away from here. So every night that goes by, just before she turns out the lights heaven hears... Bless my son Bless my precious one. Give him the strength to find the faith of Ammon. Give him the power of Paul in his tongue. Give him the spirit to soften hearts of stone, and bring them home. Until he's done Bless my son... Bless my son. Two years away can seem like such a sacrifice. Funny how two years adds up to ten percent of his life. Bless my son Bless my precious one. Give him the strength to find the faith of Ammon. Give him the power of Paul in his tongue. Give him the spirit to soften hearts of stone, and bring them home. Until he's done... Bless my son... Bless my son Bless my son.
Steph and Connor share a B-Day and have always
gotten B-Day pics together - for the next two Bdays
we're going to have to cut and paste them on the
same sheet!!


On Tue, Jul 25, 2017 at 9:52 AM, Connor Clancy <connor.clancy@myldsmail.net> wrote:
Hey everyone! This is going to be my email for the next 2 years! I will share my experiences and feelings! I'm on my way to the airport! I love you all and will see you all soon! 
Love from Elder Clancy :) 
Just a fun pic we took - saw the idea online 
and thought we'd have some fun with it!
