Connor wrote about a visit to the jungle...how cool is that???
So I asked him about it and got the short version below:

I did divisions with Elder Owens and the Zone Leaders this week!! It was suuuuper fun! We went out to the jungle!  Found some awesome people and now 6 people have a baptismal dates!

Elder Thatcher has a lot of the jungle pictures so if you could ask his mom that'd be bomb :)

Also when we left the jungle like kids were crying and stuff. They love that we visited.

Then we put baptismal dates with 3 people from the family and are gonna try to go back with President to start a family group if we can! Pretty exciting! 

SO AS YOU CAN SEE, I reached out to Elder Thatcher's (AKA Joel) Mom for pics and maybe a more detailed explanation of their trip to the Jungle.
 Joel's was waaaaaay more detailed so with permission from his awesome Mom,
I share the jungle trip story AND PICTURES.
Elder Thatcher is clearly more in tune with what a mom wants to hear ha ha!!


So like it says, I had an adventure in the jungle this week, but I need to explain a few things first. So... Elder Clancy right now is working in a sector far out from Cusco. It's like the little town of Curuhuasi in Abancay. It has a little house church that has an attendance of about 15 to 20 every week. It just so happens that the technical border lines of this sector are HUUUUUUUGE! it goes all the way to the border of the jungle. Where the department of Cusco borders with the department of Made de dios. And in all that land there are a bunch of little tiiiiiiiiny villages. So there is a boy in his ward that has been a convert for about 4 years. And his family also knows a lot about the church, and they have attended before in Urcos (where Elder Clancy is working). The thing is that they live waaaaaaayyyyyy far out from Cusco. They live in the jungle. So, there were plans to find them and teach them, and if possible, interview them. 

So that's where we come in. Normally, he would go with his district leader, but the thing is, his district leader just so happens to have served there before in his mission, and has taught the family. So for any interview, he can't do it. But we can. So really we just went on a mission to this little jungle village to teach this family. With some really cool pictures of the land that we were passing through.

So anyway, after a long journey to get there, we arrive, and the son had prepped his family that we would be coming. It was a super humbling experience all of it. So we get there and the first thing that they do is feed us lunch. Then we go into a little room and just start to teach they family with the four of us there. While we are teaching a bunch of other people show up that weren't even part of the family to listen to us because they were curious. We ended with about 15 people in that room listening to us. In the end the 3 members of the family were all given goals to get baptized in August because it will take a while to teach them and everything. There are a lot of things that need to get planned out, but I think it will all work out all right. 

In the end it was just a big humbling experience. The people, and not just the family, did not want us to leave. It just made me think of all the people that live in little places around the world, that never have the chance to hear the gospel just because the world is such a big place. I know that there a a lot of humble  people in that village that would accept the gospel if there was the opportunity. But also that God has a plan for all of them. He won't forget about them. It is interesting that the missionaries get sent to the places that are in someways, harder to teach people. I know that if two missionaries walked up to one of those little villages, and started talking to everyone, there are a lot of people that would accept. But in the bigger cities, where they are, it is harder. I think of it kinda like Jesus though. He didn't go to the good people when he was here in the world, he went to Capernaum (or whatever its called), because the people there needed him more.

This place is called Quincemil. 15 thousand. its just a stop on the
way to San Lorenzo where we visited the family!
