WEEK 38/PART 2 - Monday April 16th

WEEK 38 - PART 2 (Monday April 16th )
SECOND EMAIL of the day and very unexpected!! 

I made it back for a hot minute!!! Thought Mom and Grammy would be sad not to get a biggin'

Martes - In the morning we had our district meetings and I got to talk to Elder Cromwell for a super long time. Love that dude 

When we got back to Urcos that afternoon we had some citas planned! 

We taught a lady named Angelica in her store and we taught about the Restoration and it was really special. I think we have really peaked her interest! During that cita we met a boy named Alex and we invited him to come to our English classes that night! (Sad, but he never came) 

Before our English classes we had a cita with a reference named Samuel. Super great kid. We taught the Restoration again and he seemed interested. He struggles with his belief in God but is willing to work with us!! Super cool!! 

In our English classes we learned about foods this week!! 

Miercoles - In the morning we studied. After lunch we had citas with Marta and Estrid and they both went well. With Marta we taught about faith and gave her a blessing!  With Estrid it was our first cita so it was a how to begin teaching! Both went well! 

At night we went to a pueblito called Lucre and we taught the family of Juan de Bautista! Literally translated his name is  John the Baptist hahaha. They are really great - Super cool! 

Then we met up with Samuel and we watched them play some volleyball and then they invited us to come on Friday! 

Jueves - In the morning we went and played basketball to workout and a boy named Anton played with us and we taught him a beginning lesson! Cool kid! 

In the afternoon we taught a little girl named Alejandra! She was super mature! We thought she was like 13 but she's only 8...super crazy. 

In the afternoon we were both hungry so we bought chicken and brought it to the chapel in prep for English class and a cita with Samuel. We taught Samuel about the Book of Mormon and he said he would read and pray! 
In English class we talked about how to introduce ourselves! 

Viernes - My comp felt sick so we didn't do much in the morning. 

In the afternoon we went tracting and got wreckedddd. There was a big festival so nobody was home and everyone that was home wanted to be left alone hahaha but the whole time a lil dog followed us and we named him Dante because he was our spirit guide (Coco reference).

On our way back we ran into 3 Americans playing basketball so we played some with them and got to know them a lil. They were from Boston, Vermont, and Virginia. Kinda hippie like. Riding bikes since last November. They were good at basketball. 

At night we had a family home evening and we watched the video "Finding Faith in Christ" and then we went and we played volleyball with Samuel! 

Sabado - In the morning we ate with our Pension and she was telling us that her husband was really sick so we offered to give him a blessing. She said yes and went up to get him and then came downstairs and said he wasn't responding so we went upstairs and we gave him the blessing and then an ambulance came and picked him up. He was concious the whole time but couldn't move or anything. 6 of us carried him out of his bed to the ambulance and then in the hospital we just waited for a while and then they took him to Cusco. It was really hard. I've only known him for 2 weeks and he's not a man of many words, but I felt like crying for them. Their 2 sons - ages 17 and 9 years watched it all. It was quite difficult. 
(I asked Connor how old the man is. He answered: He's 44 I think. HIs name is Edgar. But we just call him Papicho.)

In the afternoon some of Elder Jimenez's old friends from his first sector visited him and then we had sports night. Afterwards we taught some people from sports night what we do and set other citas with them! 

Then we cleaned the chapel and we bought chicken and brought it to the Pensions house. Elder Jimenez, the pensions 2 kids and I ate chicken and we watched Baby Boss or Boss Baby and had some fun together to tried to forget the incident that happened in the morning. It was hard though.

Domingo - In the morning we went to church, attendence of 22, 3 investigators, and I was asked last minute to give a talk! I talked about prophets! It was cool! Also before church I thought I had lost my camera but it was in the church. Whew! Also my comp was super late so we couldnt go to breakfast :( 
Ward is small but stronggg! They are great!! It's TINY but made up of super faithful members.

In the second hour we had a cita with Angelo and we put a baptismal date for him on the 28th of April!! We will be trying to get parents' permission this week so prayers pleaseee! 

At night we taught the 9 year old son of the Pension about the gospel and talked a lil about baptism. He was never baptized because his momma thought she was pressuring him but he asked to learn some more so he can make the decision! Super cool! 

Lunes - Today we played volleyball and soccer and the wrote and played pool!! 

Update on the pensions husband : He is still in Cusco and sadly they say he isn't making any progress right now. They say he has pnemonia and think he has some paralysis in his face....

Lots of prayers for their family!!

Love yall!! 

A few questions he answered for me.

Do you go to Cusco every Pday? If so, how do you get there? ANSWER: Yep!! Bus every week

What did you do on Pday today:  ANSWER: Today we played volleyball and soccer until we wrote then we played pool! 
Sorry but not a lot of pics this week haha 

16 The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:
17 And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.
