WEEK 43 and 44: Still in Urcos

WEEK 43  - May 21st 

There are pictures but I left my camera at home....so next week:) 

Hey everyone!! I would like to apologize for not writing in like months hahaha.  I am still in a place called Urcos, Peru! Tiny little village in the mountains outside of Cusco! 

It is a difficult area to work but the best way to work in difficult areas is hard! 

Love yall tons! Not too much news!  Hope to hear from y'all!

A little extra news after lots of mom questions:

This week was changes. Big names that got change : Elder Cromwell went to Sicuani, Elder Ordoñez and Elder Carlson went home - they completed their missions, Elder Clobes is in the office, and Elder Owens is now my new District Leader! 

This week we taught a lot of the same people! I really love talking with our house owner! She is so fun and really loves to talk with us. I feel good when we finish talking with her. 

Angelo is so ready to be baptized but he cant get parents' permission. Hard for him.

On Friday night a missionary got home from his mission and when he gave his talk he made a really powerful statement, ``The world did not give me this testimony so there is no way they can take it from me.`` Pretty cool thought!

This week we taught 9 lessons. Just wish we could find more people ready! 

WEEK 44: May 28th 

Image may contain: 2 people, including Lisa Clancy, people smiling, mountain, sky, tree, outdoor and nature

I talked with Elder Coil a ton today about sports and his life plans and stuff and he wants to meet mom when she goes to Utah next time. I love that guy!! Elder Coil finishes his mission June 26th. He has some awesome stories of wrestling and football. Great guy! Even better missionary. 
