WEEK 33 - Still Rockin' and Rollin' in Puno

Elder Duron and Elder Clancy
Serving with all their heart, might, mind and strength in the city of Puno, Peru
Prob one of my favorite mission pics so far! (Photo credit: Elder Duron)
Zone Conference

Martes - Tuesday we had a big Zone Conference! It was only our Zone Leaders and Stake President. I have to admit I was impressed! They kept everyone involved and interested while getting their points across and listening to the Zone! 
In the afternoon we had a cita with a new investigator named Carlos Castilla. He is very interested! He has family members in Cusco that are members! Fun guy.

At night we started divisions. I was with Elder Tiza who is Elder Jensen's companion. 

Miercoles - On Wednesday I was with Elder Tiza. I was in Chanu Chanu and got to know Elder Troncos, the new zone leader, really well. Great guy with a really good heart who is from Chile. 

Elder Tiza and I worked hard in his sector and also had some fun. We taught 2 citas, I taught him how to do the rubix cube throughout the day, and we studied some English!! 

At lunch we went back to Hermana Shyrlay's and ate tacos! Yuhhh 
Super fun and simple day! Finished divisions at night.

Jueves - Thursday in the morning we had another appointment with Carlos Castilla from Tuesday. He told us that he will be traveling to Cusco next week until April. He plans to talk with the missionaries there so when he comes back to Puno, regardless of if I am here, he will be ready for baptism! Super cool! 

Afterwards we went to lunch at Hermana Shyrlay's and we ate some chicken and rice. She offered to help me make my final purchases for my package I'll be sending this week! Its 99% birthday stuff for people and then 1% stuff I saw for Dad and couldnt resist because its SO hard to find things for Dad hahaha

Viernes - Friday morning we had service SUPER high up on the mountain in Inca. We literally just threw rocks off this hill for 4 hours so that next Wednesday we can go build a house with those rocks...dope...2018 and building rock houses. 

After lunch when we left Hermana Shyrlay's there was a really really old lady who I almost ran into as we walked out Hermana Shyrlays door. She just said ´´que bonito!!´´ which means How pretty hahahaha

Then we went to find our lost investigator Nilton at his store. WE FINALLY FOUND HIM!  I was so pumped! We set a cita for that night! 

That night we waited at the chapel for 2 hours and he never came...found out his Mom made him work late :( and now he's gone on vacation...ughhhh

Sabado - In the morning we played volleyball with a HUGE family that we met outside our apartment.  After the game we taught all of them a lesson. It was quite special actually! All the kids have interest in learning English so we set a cita for the next day with 5 of them! 

In the afternoon the Hermanas had a baptism! It went great! The lady who was baptized has a sister serving a mission in Mexico! 

Saturday night we went for pizza and I used Hermana Shyrlays phone to call Elder Clobes for his birthday! Super good to hear from him!! 

Domingo - On Sunday Carlos Castilla came to church with us and had a good time but then in the afternoon he left for Cusco. Crazy weird hahaha

Also a while back we taught a cita with someone from Lima and he just came back to visit and told us he was baptized along with his family!! Super cool! 

In the afternoon 2 of the 5 from volleyball showed up from our cita and we were able to teach them a little bit of English and then we brought them to an activity at the stake center. It was an activity about family history and was super cool! They had leaders from the church set up their family tree and explain them to visitors, the movie Coco was playing, and there was antique stuff all over the place! It was super fun!!

Lunes - Today we woke up and we played some sports and then watched a movie, now we're writing but about to leave to go eat some tacos!! 

Love to all!!

This is the house that they gathered rocks to help build.
They will go back next week to complete their project.
