WEEK 35 - Special Week including CONF & BAPTISM

Hi Everyone!!! 

This is the last week before transfers!! This week Elder Duron will finish his training and its possible that I will be moved to a new location!!  I will keep y'all updated!! 
This week I want to focus my message on Jesus Christ!! What a guy! 

This Easter weekend I challenge all of you to focus just a little more on our Savior. My mission President reminded me this week that we will never be perfect, but we can always do a little better! So think more about the person who was perfect so we don't have to be. Just do your best to be just a little more than last week! 
Thank him in prayer and always remember him!! 

ALSO a little about my week is that we had a baptism!! It was AWESOME! Our friend Frank took the next step to follow the Savior and is doing awesome!! 

I love y'all tons!! Have a great week!! 

Click on this link for a beautiful Easter video: Easter - Because HE Lives

Our day to day this week:

Tuesday! On Tuesday we had interviews with President Herrera in the morning. Mine went really well! 

We found Carlos (old investigator) and took him to get Pizza. Things are happening family wise but he is doing good. He went back to Cusco the next day though :( 

At night the Elders from Yunguyo stayed with us for the conference! 

Wednesday! Literally all day long was the conference. It was really good. We even did a contacting activity in the middle and contacted over 100 people! It was cool! 


Afterwards, we had lunch at like 4 with 6 missionaries, it was cool. 

I didn't feel great the rest of the night but we started divisions that night. I was with Elder Jensen.

Thursday! I was with Elder Jensen all day. We found some really awesome ties (see pictures) and some really cool people! We taught a new family and a new 21 year old girl. Also Hermana Shyrlay took us to a Chifa for Peruvian Chinese food! (I LOVE it!)

Mom's personal Fav!! ha ha

Friday! The whole day we just looked for people but didn't find anyone :( At night we taught Frank in prep for his baptism the next day and he was great!! It was a great cita (lesson) and we felt the spirit super strong! 

Saturday! In the morning we played volleyball with our family, the R family, and this time I brought them pictures and they loved it! They wanted to keep the pic of Dad when he was in Japan hahaha then Our whole ward went to a beach but we stayed back to prep for the baptism. Our day was spent in the chapel cleaning and preparing the font for the baptism...we didn't exactly know how to work the new heater and so we accidentally made it a hot tub....oops! 

The baptism was awesome! Super special for everyone! 

Sunday! 8 months for mee woop woop

There was an American family that came to our ward! They had all been different Presidents of the mission! was really cool!! 

At night we had a fun meeting about goals and stuff and then Elder Moscuzza and Elder Letham ate with us!!


Love ya all -  All is well!! 

Elder C

This week happened to be super awesome. We started off with interviews and a conference the next day with our President of the mission, they were both super awesome experiences. It's always fun to hear from him, he is a super awesome guy and knows alot about the gospel. After those two days we continued in the work, did divisions and tried to find more people to teach. This week we found two super awesome new investigadors they are gold and already love the message, We later finished of the week with a Baptism at lasttt! Frank was baptized this week. It was kinda crazy none of our bishopric was in town, so we ran the baptism with our ward mission leader super awesome guy. There wasn't alot of people there, but there were a bunch of investigadors and it was a super spritual experience. I always love to see the facial reaction of people as they come out of the water super feliz. I love this gospel and the way it can change the lives of people for the better and to see the physical evidence of it, I know that our Savior loves and cares for us all.

Skyping home last week
after my grandma passed away.
