WEEK 34 - 7 months in Puno - Can't believe it!

Hey friends and family! 

As many of you may know my Grandma passed away this week :( 

I promise that I'm doing well!! 

My short message today is about the dear Plan of Salvation! This plan helps us know where we were before this life, why we are here on the earth right now, and where we are heading afterwards!! Im so grateful for this plan and am so excited to share it more this week! 

As the wise Elder Spencer Larsen once told me, ´´It's in the times most difficult where we are able to share our testimonies most powerfully.´´ 

Love y'all tons and hope you have a great week! 

Click this link to see a movie: WHAT HAPPENS AFTER I DIE

Here is Chris' story in a longer video link: FORGIVENESS: MY BURDEN WAS MADE LIGHT
