WEEK 28 - Lessons, Baptism and Happy Birthday, Carlos!!
Happy Birthday Carlos!!! |
Yep - Lots of details for me (Momma) this week. I don't know about the rest of you - but I love hearing what he does all week long. Does anyone have questions?
Sometimes I read these letters and see missionary lingo that I am familiar with, but not so sure others are. Sorry if that's the case -just ask if you have questions!! Lisa
LUNES - At night last week we threw a birthday party for our investigator Carlos. He told us nobody showed up to his party the day before, but we had a lot of fun!! There were about 8 members playing ping pong and eating cake! Super fun :)
At noon we taught an English class to a recent convert! He's learning quite a bit! Crazy stuff!
After that cita our investigator Carlos took us to lunch as a thank you for his party! He's progressing in a great way!
At night we had Correlation and then went and got pizza with Hermana Shyrlay!
Then at like 9 PM Elder Cromwell and Elder Saad came and stayed with us for the night!
MIERCOLES - In the morning at 8 we had our conference with President and the Assistants. The assistants right now are Elder Peña from Mexico and Elder Valenzuela from Chile. Conference was good. Nothing too different.
At night we went back to the chapel and had an English class! President ended up showing up and we talked to him for a long time! Super great guy and a lot of fun to talk to. It makes me feel better about my Spanish when he talks to us in English haha. It's good just not perfect!
JUEVES - Today we had a grand p day with Presidente and Sister Herrera! We met in the other zone and played a lot of fun games and released balloons with our New Year's resolutions on them.
SUPER P-DAY Sending up Balloons with our New Year's Resolutions in them. |
Afterwards everyone came to our chapel and played soccer, basketball, volleyball, and ping pong. Super fun time. Even the assistants came! Super fun
At night we had a cita with Carlos and he said that he still hasn't recieved his answered. We taught the principle of fasting. Carlos promised to fast and pray for his answer this Sunday!! Super cool!
VIERNES - In the morning we went to the Cochina which is where there are lots of cheap goods. We did some contacting and made some purchases ;) I got Uno for less than 2 dollars...
We found out our Zone Leaders lost their phone for the third time and the other Chanu Chanu elders too, so now there's no way to contact them.. fun stuff
At night we had sports night and it was super fun!!
SABADO - In the morning we went to the church for a cita with Carlos again. This time we taught him The Word of Wisdom. He has a few challenges yet to overcome so he added that to his prayer and fasting list!! Super great guy!
Afterwards we helped fill and warm the font for the baptism. When we left there at about 11 and used the help of Hermana Shyrlay to get Elder Duron a really nice jacket for cheap! Mission accomplished!
A TAD MORE DETAIL FROM CONNOR'S COMPANION, Elder Duron's Weekly POST: This week I had an awesome opportunity to baptize one of the Hermanas investigators. She was eight years old and named Melina ... it was such an awesome experience. (and I got to see the blessings of working at pool chlor, haha I fixed the font pump before the baptism haha) Their family was so happy to see her get baptized...."
DOMINGO - Today we had 3 citas! The first was during church with an eternal investigator. He comes to church every week and he goes to every activity, but he just isn't baptized. So I just asked why ...he just said he has no desire and that he doesnt know how we can help him get that desire...prayers please.
Our second was with an investigator from Lima who will be baptized in the coming months. Great guy! Super fun and easy cita. We taught Perseverance - to just keep going!
Our last was with the parents of someone in our Bishopric! We finished up the Plan of Salvation and now we're teaching the Gospel to them! Lots of fun !!!:)
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