WEEK 30 - Transfers, yes, but I'm still here!!
Lunes - We had a lock in at the Chapel with all of the zone and we played lots of sports and ate some food. Life was good.
Martes - We weren´t allowed to proselyte so we stayed in our room and watched some Disney movies and we went right outside our house to our little sports field and we played some basketball. We saw one of our investigators walk by and said hi and talked for a little while.
Miercoles - In the morning we had a cita with Harold and it went really well. At night we had a family home evening with the Inca district and it was super fun.
We made a bomb contact by telling people empanadas are better than love. ´´Empenadas! Es mejor que amor!´´
Jueves - This day was full of studies until 7 when we had citas planned at 7 and 8 but both failed which was sad :( Not a great day for us. We took naps though :)
Viernes - We had a cita planned with Harold at 11 but he cancelled because they went out of town. That was our only cita planned for that day...
Later we had lunch with Elder Jensen and his companion at Plaza Vea and then went into the cochina and I finished all my birthday shopping!! Also bought myself a lot of sweatpants because its starting to get cold at night and theyre suuuuper cheap :)
At night we had sports night but only 1 member showed up and so it was super lame.
Then we got to Hermana Shyrlays and she told us she was going to the beach until Sunday night so she gave us the money and we were on our own...so fun. Pensions are the best!!
Sabado - Suffice it to say - it was a hard day for me.
Anyways Saturday in the middle of the day we went to a chifa and ate some fake peruvian chinese food...its dope.
At night we had another cita with Gustavo. We talked a lot about his baptism and he said as of right now he can't promise he won't go back to his old ways BUT he won't ever stop coming to church. Super cool promise.
Domingo - After church at noon we had a cita with Gustavo and a member of the bishopbric who is the only member in his whole family and about how its a hard step but you can't doubt yourself. Nor can you fear to fail. We aren't perfect people and we are all going to fail at times, but if we take our leap of faith God will help us without a doubt! Gustavo is ready to take his leap of faith on March 3rd!
Afterwards we ate with some of Hermana Shyrlays family in Chanu Chanu and then we went to the Zone Leaders house and hung out for a minute.
At 6 we had correlation and then there was a mission farewell for someone in our ward headed to Ecuador! Super cool.
At night we went to Hermana Shyrlays and she told us that she wouldn't be back till like 1 am and so her Brother in law brought us food.
Then we slept at Chanu Chanu and played Monopoly until like midnight...2 wins for me!
Lunes - Transfers!! Elder Ordoñez who has been my Zone Leader since I came is headed to Cusco as a Zone Leader to finish his mission. This will be his last area.
Elder Cromwell was here for just one short transfer and is going back to Cusco this transfer, too. Elder Saad, Elder Cutipa, Elder Fincher, Elder Iman, Hermana Medina, and Hermana Ortiz all have transfers for tomorrow. Super sad to see Elder Cromwell and Elder Ordoñez leave, but I have a feeling like I'll be following them next change!!
Elder Cromwell was here for just one short transfer and is going back to Cusco this transfer, too. Elder Saad, Elder Cutipa, Elder Fincher, Elder Iman, Hermana Medina, and Hermana Ortiz all have transfers for tomorrow. Super sad to see Elder Cromwell and Elder Ordoñez leave, but I have a feeling like I'll be following them next change!!
Other than that we have played sports and written home!
Love y'all!!
Gonna spend one more night with Cromwell and Saad before they leave!!
Gonna spend one more night with Cromwell and Saad before they leave!!
Talk next week :)
Elder Clancy
Not a lot of pics today so hopefully Elder Duron's mom or Elder Jensen's mom will share some and then I will add them to the blog!! Until then - Hugs and LOVE!!
Thanks for supporting our missionary!!
Elder Clancy
Not a lot of pics today so hopefully Elder Duron's mom or Elder Jensen's mom will share some and then I will add them to the blog!! Until then - Hugs and LOVE!!
Thanks for supporting our missionary!!
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