WEEK #7 - My First Area is PUNO

Im working around 4 other Elders 2 are zone leaders.
Connor is missing some names here but hey at least he sent me a few of them
Elder Kelson, Elder Jensen, Elder Ordoñez, and Elder Escalante.  

Hey Everyone,

I am in my first area of Puno Central and it is amazing!! My companion, Elder Clobes  and I, are the only Missionaries in the whole world with a view of Lake Titikaka and the Uros!! 

My topic today will be on the miracle of prayers! 

On Thursday morning the three elders that I was traveling with and I got up to go for our bus to Puno. We were definitely running late already. I started praying so hard..I really did not want to miss a bus and have to wait in a bus station for 3 hours and have to buy a whole other ticket.

So we get going and get to the bus station and the bus is gone. We were so sad and my companion goes up to the desk and starts to talk to the people and the whole time Im just thinking dangit that stinks. Guess my prayer didn't work. And probably immmediately after that thought crossed my mind, my companion comes running over and says, "Everyone get in this taxi!!"

So we take a taxi probably like 45 minutes with a super cool taxi driver and we catch up to the bus...So wild! So wow a miracle right? Right as we get onto the bus another missionary, Elder Kelson, pukes all over the place including on his companion, Elder Jensen. IT WAS SO GROSS! The other people on the bus probably will hate Mormon missionaries for the rest of their life. 

But!! Prayers work!! If anyone is feeling down or feels like nobody understands you, just remember God and Jesus Christ know and want to help but you have to ask for help!

I love you all and hope everything is going well! 

Also want to take a short moment and recognize all those who lost their life in the tragic events of 9/11 just 16 years ago. 

I love the United States and thank you to all those like my Dad who risk their life daily for our safety!! 

Love yall!!! Elder Clancy

I have a challenge for you all!! 

My challenge is to read 6 pages of the Book of Mormon each day until Christmas! 

We would all have it finished by the time We facetime on Christmas! 

Here are 3 cool video links giving an overview of The Book of Mormon

1.) 5 Interesting Facts about The Book of Mormon with James the Mormon
2.) What is the Book of Mormon
3.) 60 Second Overview of the Book of Mormon 

ANSWERS to a lot of questions I had for him:

My Spanish is coming along slowly but surely! 

I have had 0 health problems which is not normal. I am blessed beyond measure to be here! 

I love these people and this place!! 

Our ward is just called Central in the Puno Central Stake!  Church is awesome! Everyone is really nice!! 

Internet is extremely slow...

1.) What was the trip to Cusco like? 
I had a spiritual prompting that helped us make the plane.  Yeah so we were all sitting down at a gate and I just did not feel comfortable at all. It was just an unsettling feeling and so I asked my companion to come walk with me down the terminal and we go down and see another flight to Cusco and I ask in my best Spanish if this particular gate is the right place and find out that yes it is haha.  It's where we were supposed to be, pretty cool. Other then that super uneventful trip from Lima to Cusco.

Elder Clobes and Clancy street contacting at the Plaza de Armes in the city of Cusco

2. My Mailing address is:
Elder Connor Clancy
Av. de la Cultura 2417
Frente de Urb. Santa Ursula
Capilla Mormona

Use this address my whole mission, we don't have mail boxes here lol  Every time someone from our zone goes to the mission office they bring back packages and letters so every couple weeks or so I will get your them.

If you send letters or something could you put more pictures in it?

3.) How was/is the mission home? Are you far from it? 
It was fun! I am an 8 hour bus ride from it in Puno Central! I haven't gotten any letters or packages but that's alright. 

4.) Tell me about your new Mission près and his wife? 
Super great! Their family is adorable too.
People know of  Joel, the Harbertsons and Elder Wimmer.

5.) New companion? Where is he from?
Elder Clobes! He is a college graduate from California! We get along great! He loves rugby!

Elder Jensen is in my zone here in Puno so I saw him a lot today and will see him a bit more.

6.) Have you been feeling ok? I think about that every day!!! I hear the altitude can give you some rough days too until you adjust to it!!

Altitude is rough but other than that I have been completely fine! 

7.) How about the food? Do you have a Pensionista this transfer? 
It has been interesting hahaha. I have eaten everything and there hasnt been anything that I havent hated. Some things are differemt but that's okay! Alpaca is really good!

8.) How’s the Spanish coming?  I was touched by your words about the gift of tongues - amazing!! 

My Spanish is coming apparently way better than most people. I am always complemented on my accent and people don't know its my first area until I tell them. Its pretty cool! Yesterday I got to bare my testimony in the ward because I'm new. It was really special!

9.) JOYS of the Week?
All of it!  This place is awesome!! 

10.) FRUSTRATIONS of the week?
Nah, I don't believe in those.

11.) How’s your Testimony growing?
Like crazy! I'll send a letter tomorrow! 

12.) Anything I can help you with?
Nothin' -  nothin' im just livin' life 

Anyone that read's this post till the end - THANKS!!!
IF YOU have a question for Elder Clancy, Just message me on FB or text and I will ask him next week!!


A view from the apartment - overlooking Lake Titicaca

Meeting his trainer, Elder Clobes from CA
(HUGE thanks to his Mom for the following pics!!!)

According to Elder Clobes: Digging out the floor of an adobe house in the
mountains for our service project. Not sure why but they decided they wanted the floor to be
like 6 inches lower, so we went to work with pickaxes and shovels for a couple of hours.

On their way to the service project

As Elder Clobes and Clancy - maybe an internet cafe? I'm not sure!!

I think this is their bus picture leaving
from the mission home heading to Puno

These pics thanks to Elder Jensen's Mom

These 2 pics from his sweet pensionista
