Week #5 - Tracting in Lima, Peru
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Elder Clancy, Elder Jensen, Elder Cromwell |
Hi Everyone,
This week was crazy fast!!
On Saturday Elder Cromwell and I got to go into the field for 5 hours with Elder Chau from the Lima Sur mission!! So much fun! Elder Chau was from Santa Cruz, Bolivia and only spoke spanish!! I hope my first companion is just like him!! The first door that ever got slammed in my face was by a 5 year old so that was pretty fun too hahaha. I´ve never had so much fun getting rejected all day long! Coolest experience ever especially those times where I was able to bear testimony of the basic truths of the gospel & Jesus Christ!
Elder Clancy and Elder Howard |
Love you all and hope you are doing great!
Hope to hear from ya!!
Elder Clancy
I can't lie - I get so frustrated not knowing more details from Connor - don't you? And since our emails are only once a week I get even more desperate to know the "whole story". Thankfully I am in a FB group chat with a bunch of other missionary moms who have children who are on the same "track" as Connor. They also hear from their missionaries that are in the MTC with Connor. Their missionaries all write home on P-Day as well but when we piece together all the various info from the letters received, we get a MUCH clearer picture of the week.
Downside, next week they all split up and go to their respective missions in the country of Peru so no more will they have shared experiences to write home about where I will know the details! Ugh. Somehow we have to convince Connor that DETAILS are the stuff that great writing is made of (Do I sound like a teacher or what???) No seriously, next letter I am praying I get details!! Tell him that if you talk to him via email!!)
1.) How was it going tracking with the Lima Elders?
Was so great!! But we were not allowed to bring cameras, I was bummed.
MOM INSERT HERE: From the other missionary letters, I can see that the experiences were varied for each of them as it related to being in diff parts of Lima, but everyone seemed to genuinely appreciate the opportunity to be with Native Spanish speaking elders from diff parts of South America like Bolivia and Chile. All the elders seemed to be in shock at the depth of poverty they witnessed. All seemed hopeful regardless of the rejection they experienced but a few actually had neat teaching moments. All in all they are on their way to "real mission life" next Tuesday. All prayers will be welcomed.
2.) Stitches update?
It looks great! Should be no scar!
3.) Is Pres. Asay a real doctor?
Elder Chevrier from Atlanta |
Yes, he is a Heart Surgeon lol. Stitches came out Thursday. Shouldn´t scar too bad and It is great, such a blessing.
4.) How is Elder Cromwell? Anyone you have grown closer to while at the CCM?
Elder Cromwell is doing GREAT - we are best buds! There's too many great things about him to tell!! He´s going to UVU afterwards to major in business as well!!
Also made a super good friend named Elder Kirkland (who knows the Heylands sorta).
I love Elder Chevrier, too. He´s also my best bud.
5.) Two favorite memories of the week? Devotional and tracting for sure
Mom insert: Another missionary wrote him saying that they heard Elder Anderson speak about being the Keeper of the Flame of Faith
6.) Do you go to the temple every P-Day: Yes, but I went for the last time for 21 months this morning...kinda sad
Elder Clancy, Elder ? and Elder Norton |
7.) Do you need anything? Nope, and no need to send a package really. Letters are fun though!
8.) When do you leave the MTC?
Tuesday! I'm excited but I am gonna miss the memories here! It´s really exciting though.
9.) Have you gotten to know all the new elders very well? How many of them are going to Cusco?
None of the new guys are going to Cusco because the transfers are every 6 weeks so they are 3 weeks behind us and all the missions are different from us.
10.) What are your hardest trials thus far?
Hardest trial is probably only getting one Ice Cream per meal...It can be rough..but on the real I don´t have a clue. I´m just happy...
GREAT I can talk to people in all our conversations - the Gift of Tongues is Real!!
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