Week 65 - The Prophet visits and then Abancay Zone Conf!

Zone: Chuño

We Love Chuño!

Helping a family that is opening a restaurant hang some signs

Cool Peru Things
Things with my companion are really good. I have been waking up early with him so we can go play volleyball. He LOVES volleyball and i like sports so it all works out hahaha. 

I had a fun time with Elder Thatcher! Not much time with him and couldnt take him to lunch like I wanted for his birthday but it was all good!! 

Some Random lines from Elder Clancy's letter home:

We were planning on writing yesterday but so much happened at once that we just never got the time. President Herrera told us to take our pday again today because we lost so much time yesterday. Had a really special mini conference yesterday! We talked a lot about love! Makes me focus a lot on our divine identity and on the Atonement of Jesus. Cool stuff

Cool Peru scenery

Transfers are this Monday! I am not sure what will happen. I have no clue, but I will be good with either one. It would be kind of hard to leave a sector right before Christmas though. 

Yesterday we had our pday morning but afternoon supporting conference stuff. Yesterday we played soccer and volleyball! like always..

The big take away from our meeting with President Nelson is not to be discouraged when you don't see a lot of success..be obedient and everything will work out right. Gave lots of blessing to us and to you :) 
A little friend whose parents own the restaurant 

Really we have been so busy on the administrative side of things we haven't had much time to find and teach...maybe you can pray for us to find people! 

I'm learning patience and how to rely on the Atonement of Christ. Also to see people as God sees them.

Cool kid and Cool smiles

The Shoe Store: ZION

The one and only Elder Jensen
My old district! Also I'm reppin Red Sox today...sorry Mr. Phil I didn't know the Dodgers were playing them!

Hey Macarena
Elders Oliphant and Barrios
