WEEK 58-59-60 Stolen Backpack, Baptisms & other grand adventures- life's still good

Our Mini Zone Conference
Random news from Connor.....

Time is flyingggg! I love it here!! My companion and I are good buds. 

The storm sounded crazy - Super sorry for everyone affected. Funny that church got canceled but you didn't have bad weather.

I am LOVING studying the life of Jesus Christ. President has given us a challenge I think you'd love that I plan on starting. He said that you should find 5 principles of the gospel in every chapter of the Book of Mormon and write it in a journal. Then share the experience with someone for 20 minutes!! This should take less than 12 weeks studying 1 hour a day. 

My heart is good Momma...I'm in the best place I could be....

Message of the Week : Lifes hard, keep a good attitude and you'll come out on top

Thanks for everything Momma, I love you too and I understand love a lot better being far away from y'all.

Love ya both tons, thanks for all you do for me!! 

Prayers for our baptism on Saturday and the 2 confirmations on Sunday!! +


Sept 12

How crazy!!! I will tryyy but I may have gotten robbed today and lost a camera, 2 memory cards, sneakers, and a placa...we will seeeeee

My backpack was in the church when I went into my interview with President H and we came back and it wasn't there so I don't know.... but yeah all my pics are uploaded. 

.....So I just wanted to give you some good news too!! 

About 3 weeks ago a man named "O" called us on a Sunday and he said ´´Elders, I have been thinking a lot lately and I decided that I need to be baptized....´´ 

Yes...yes you do
So we started to teach him and we realized that he knows literally everything. He just taught us about the lessons and today he passed his baptismal interview for Monday and asked me to baptize him!! Super excited for it all!

Yeah Elder Zárate has learned a lot!! Its super fun!!
A new investigator, Elder Halvorsen, Elder Zárate, Omar,
yours truly, Alfredo from the elders quorum, and Elder Tiza.
He has had all of the lessons.... He is studying still. He's 30 years old and single. He has a POWERFUL testimony 


In Sept we got an actual package from Peru. Connor had been collecting Peruvian Coins and they were neatly packaged in a little coin book similar to the old state quarter books a few years back.

This is what he said when I asked how he managed to collect all of the Peru state coins: "I've been collecting those since I was in Puno!! It took foreverrrrrrrr!"

....Yeah Elder Zárate has learned a lot!! Its super fun!!

....I talk in my sleep in Spanish hahahahaha

I miss Mama Shyrlay sooooo much...

....I 100% trust in President and LOVEEEE Elder Thatcher as the new AP. He's doing a great job. 

I miss Elder Duron and Elder Cromwell tonssssss! They're both the best!! Im currently talking to both of them!! Elder Duron is in Sicuani training and is a District Leader and Elder Cromwell is in Juliaca. They're both doing awesome and baptizing like crazy!

I did not get the camera yet. I will be in Cusco Wednesday. Hoping its there....


When people ask for Book of Mormons at 10 at night, we deliver!

Zone P-Day Lasagna



Hiking to a big lagoon!

Click on this link to see some real live video: 
