Week 61 - ´´We must know that without the help of the Lord we cannot have success and with His help we cannot fail.´

´´We must know that without the help of the Lord we cannot have success and with His help we cannot fail.´
OCT 2nd
Excerpts from Connor's letter home...

Happy October!! Officially less than 9 months left...how weird...This week has been super busy for me too.... Long conferences and lots of travel this week. I haven't been able to work in my own sector in over a week....

Abancay is good...just lost power for a few days...
I'm doing really good. Elder Thatcher is the best...
P-day was good today!! My zone has a lot of cool people. 
Do you know a Murdock or Kinslow or Topham or Spencer families? They are some great missionaries here in Abancay
...Went to get steak yesterday...
....I taught our district meetings today and told what I know about yours and dad's conversion stories. I talked about what our lives would be like without the gospel.I think about the people who are like us that don't have the gospel. It was special for us all. Do you think you and dad could write something for me about both of your conversions and where you think you'd be without the gospel? 
....Love ya and miss ya tons!

Partyin' Partyin' in first class
Eating at the mission home!!! they have a pensionista, left to right : Cutipa, Montalvo, De Leon, Skousen, Llanos, me, my comp, Fackrell

Subway and what not
