WEEK 37 - Juggling in the Streets of Urcos

Elder Clancy and Elder Jimenez (from Lima) - the dynamic duo!

New Area Today (Monday) is P-Day. 

We played basketball volleyball and soccer...then ate wings!
My kinda day! 

We just found someone to do our laundry here in Urcos. 

Connor's Desk in his apartment


Pigs eating cookies!!

Last Lunes - When we went to Hermana Shyrlays she put on the NCAA National Championship...that was cool hahaha

Martes - In the morning I cried a lot when I was saying bye to Hermana Shyrlay and then got on a bus with my 9 bags 

When we made it to Cusco I met my new comp (Elder Jimenez from Lima) and saw some old faces, namely Elder Ordoñez! It was awesome to see him! He's the bomb! My new Zone Leader again woo hoo!! 

Then we got to my new area called Urcos. It's a tiny village outside of Cusco.  I met our pension and we slept hahaha. Her name is Natalie.

Miercoles - Super busy day!! We got up at 6 and went to play basketball for an hour which was awesome and then we did our studies until lunch. 

After lunch we went to a place called Caninkunjy which was cool to tract. A member came out with us and I juggled in the streets! 

We found a really cool lady named Marta. I drank some root beer and had some lemonade :) 

Jueves - All day long we just worked to find. We found lots of people and taught 3 citas with 3 new people! Was great and made a new buddy playing soccer too! 

At night we had movie night and made popcorn! We watched The Croods! 

Viernes - In the morning we went to Cusco for District meeting!! 

I saw Elder Lema, Elder Ordoñez, Elder Clobes, Elder Cromwell and lots more new friends!! Super awesome!! 

My district is Elder Saenz Elder Barrios Elder Jimenez me hermana kinslow and hermana ????..I don't remember her name

In the afternoon we made a really cool contact and then her dad showed up really drunk and we left really fast hahaha 

That night we met a boy named Victor who was really cool! 

Sabado - From breakfast until 4 we were locked out of our house trying to solve this issue and everyone who said they had keys never had them...so we ended up breaking the glass...niceee

Then we had sports night and made lots of new friends and contacts! 

We cleaned the chapel and then started fasting for Sunday!! 

Domingo - We had 28 people come to sacrament and apparently that's a ton! Pretty cool!! 
We got 4 investigators there and even got some references!! Super great!! 

We worked hard in the afternoon but not a lot of people were home :( 

Lunes - Today we played sports and had a ball!! I love y'all tons 




My Spanish is improving super fast. Ty sent me a pic of two guys who are in his ward. They are both from Peru - Lima area - and my comp says he knows one of them hahaha


I'm feeling the spirit a lot more out here in Urcos being all alone with just my companion. It's been super easy to focus on what to do. We are doing awesome!

At first I was super nervous about the change, but still excited. Now I'm all settled in and feelin' good

My new pension is awesome!! 

Mama S is the best and I will never ever forget about her

Our ward is small but it's like a family group out here. An average of 20 people attend! This week we had 28 though and had 4 investigators!! Super awesome!! 

I'll check for letters every Tuesday! So send letters if you can. 

Referring to Devin Durrant's talk in General Conf where he related a story of a young man whose Dad was serving as the ward Bishop. The son remarked to the congregation, "I know a lot of you think my Dad is awesome - well he's an even better man at home." Connor said, " I remember that distinctly and remember thinking the same thing about Dad!"

I think about y'all tons too but I'm really doing super awesome out here. No worries mama. Nothin nothin. Just know IM okay and quit the worrying!!! If I was at home I'd be in VA or in Utah


A park that the elders visit often

Click here for a video link of Connor and his companion Heading up the Mountain to an appt.

hiking trail up to an appt.
A guy out in his fields.
