WEEK 26 - 6 MONTHS DOWN and more adventures in Puno
This pics was from the mission page - it shows all the new companionships from the transfer two weeks ago!! |
'Sup Everyone?
Now...another detailed email for mother ;)
LUNES - After we emailed last week we got churros, watched Despicable Me and made pizza at night with Hermana Shrylay!! (Yes, certain movies are allowed!)
Churros |
Making Pizza at Mama Shyrlay's home |
I told Connor, "Mama Shrylay must really love you if she is willing to make your fav food - PIZZA!!!! |
Pizza!! YUM!!! |
MARTES - Today was busy
Morning we woke up and worked out in Hermana Shyrlay's gym and then got ready and went to District meetings!
We got to hear President Nelson address us which was cool!
Then we got some American candies and taught a cita! Before our cita we were sitting on a bench waiting and a super old lady walked up to me and got really close to my face and then said "gringito" and then walked away which was interesting....
We had a cita with a new investigator named Nilton who has a crazy desire to learn!!
We invited our investigator Gustavo to be baptized February 3rd! Now we only need his parents' permission! He's 16 years old!
Donuts!! YUM!! |
After consejo someone brought pizza and so we partiedddd
The we had another cita with a boy named Carlos and a nuevo Li. Both really want to learn!! Super cool!
Then we started divisions for the next day!
MIERCOLES - Elder Tiza and I did divisions on Wednesday and it was my first time teaching someone how to do magic in Spanish! Pretty cool though! He picked up on it fast!
We later had an impromptu cita with Gustavo and I asked him why he wanted to be baptized. He shared how his testimony grew. He said "I fell in love with it all when I attended church." Also in his closing prayer he asked a special blessing on Elder Clobes who is currently in Cusco! Super cool!
At night we finished divisions and Elder Duron and I came back home!
"Gainz" |
JUEVES - We woke up and worked out in the morning again because ya know...gainz and what not. And then we went and helped Hermanas from Salcedo move into their new million dollar penthouse sweet....their room is so nice...
After the move there was 8 missionaries and we all got onto the same combi and the people were so confused wondering where all the white people came from??? hahaha It was a super fun mix of Spanglish too.
We had another cita with Gustavo and I asked if he knew the Book of Mormon to be the word of God (being that he had never read it, I expected a simple no) and he was just like, "yeah for sure." hahaha. I had to explain that if you don't read it, you can't exactly know if it's true...what a guy.
VIERNES - We had a super special cita with Nilton about the Restoration and he just loves to learn!
Then we had a cita with frank and Gustavo and we talked about what Hell is. I had a super fun time explaining there isnt literally a ´´Hell´´ but living outside the presence of god forever with the knowledge that you could have would be Hell...forever...
Then we had sports night and got to play some volleyball, soccer, and ping pong! I was wearing a captain america shirt and on our way home someone said ´´hola capitan.´´ hahaha
After the cita Elder Duron got a little sick and so we werent able to work throughout the day much.
At night we had a super important cita with Armando and Norma. These are the parents of one of our bishopbric members! Elder Jensen and I went and taught them about the plan of salvation and had a ball on the way there, during the cita, and on our way home. It was super stormy and we got splashed by cars and busses and combis...you name it and it got us wet...then we ran all the way home screaming..super fun!
When we got home Elder Tiza and Elder Duron were playing chess...what guys hahaha
We had a cita with Nilton in the 3rd hour for church and when we asked him when we could meet up again he said 4? So we had another cita with him at 4 in the afternoon. He loves to learn and we were able to invite him to baptism as well today! It was super special and the spirit was really strong!
In the middle of our cita someone came in and asked if we could give them a service and I guess thats slang for the baptism but I did not understand that hahahaha. Thats was quite the experience...
Elder Duron did 36 pages of Spanish crossword puzzles...36 pages...that was his language study for the day hahaha
Yep anyways life is good everyone and Im just chillin.
Gonna order some pizza tonight...you know me...talkin' about Jesus and eating pizza :)
Love Y'all!
Elder Clancy
For those who want to see some of what its like to walk the streets of Puno where Connor lives:
Connor's walk home
FROM LISA/MOM: Found these pics on the mission blog: (Thanks, Sunny!)
FROM LISA/MOM: Found these pics on the mission blog: (Thanks, Sunny!)
Connor and Elder Duron meeting for the very first time! |
President and Sister Herrera with the missionaries |
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