WEEK 21 - FELIZ NAVIDAD from Peru!!

Since Christmas fell on P-Day this week (Pday: Preparation Day) Connor didn't write too much - mostly just answered a few of my questions and then sent a ton of pics!! 

It was GREAT to Skype with him!! See my FB for more info and pics!!

Here are just a few of the questions I asked him:

MOM: What is the BEST and WORST about being out there on your mission?
CONNOR: Best is learning Spanish and the people and friendships. The worst is getting sick and not having Chick fil a!

MOM: How is your testimony of the Savior growing while you are serving?
CONNOR: Its growing so much! I am positive the reason missionaries' testimonies are constantly growing is because we are bearing them on a daily basis! You tell someone God loves them and then you feel the spirit testifty of the truth! 

MOM: Any particular spiritual experiences you might share?
CONNOR: Momma, all of them are amazing and I'm living in Peru and I'm only 18!!

MOM: What happened to all the broken stuff around the apartment?
CONNOR: We already fixed it hahaha

MOM: How are your lessons/citas going?
CONNOR: We haven't had any citas this week! Work is rough for us right now, but we're doing good! Lots of contacting! 

MOM: Health?
CONNOR: No health problems! Just the norm

No worries Momma! Happy Christmas! :) I LOVE YOU!


The Ward had a talent show so we showed up early and shared our magic
tricks. It was great watching the kids' faces react to all the tricks.

My house of cards!

So after reading Connor's companion's blog I learned a ton more about his week:
MONDAY they were both kind of sick. (Ugh - not fun!) 
TUESDAY they went to their Bishop's house to help the Bishop's daughter prepare for her English exam and they saw that the Bishop and his family got a new cat named Savage. They loved the cat. I think there is a picture in the next week's blog that show's the cat. Connor's companion said he thought the cat liked Connor best ha ha
WEDNESDAY of that week they were walking to a lesson and got wet cement thrown on them from a rooftop. Elder Clobes didn't think it was intentional, but just a construction dude (as he puts it) not thinking!! Oh boy!! They had to go home clean their hair and change shirts.
THURSDAY: Actual words from Elder CLobes:
We were supposed to have a ward Christmas program, but in typical Peruvian fashion, when it was supposed to start at 7pm, nobody but us and the hermana missionaries were even in the chapel. So we set up all the decorations that we were not in charge of, set up all the chairs, and then waited for people to show up. People started trickling in at 7:30, and when by 8:00 nobody that was in charge of the activity had showed up, we decided to do our little part that we had prepared. So Elder Clancy did a couple card tricks for the 20 people that were there. At 8:30 we finished up, the rest of the ward showed up and the people that were actually in charge of the activity actually started the program. Unreal. We left to go eat dinner and go to bed and all of the people in charge of the activity kept asking us why we were leaving. The activity started an hour and a half late and they didn’t know why we were leaving. My gosh.
FRIDAY : They went Christmas Caroling with their whole zone.
SATURDAY:  Domingo
Elder Clobes' words: 
Church was only one hour so after church we started indexing, just because we knew nobody was going to want to talk to us. We indexed for a while and then tried to contact. Didn’t work very well, so we went home and studied and got ready for Christmas! I was able to finish the Book of Mormon on Christmas Eve, which was super cool. I highly recommend that you all read it. Super fun book actually, even if you don’t love the spirituality of it. I can totally testify that it’s a true book, but if you just want something to read, give it a shot. 
