I've LOST Count! March - April 15th
Connor hasn't written much in a long time because we have actually been able to SKYPE with him for a few months now. For those who don't know about the policy changes for currently serving missionaries here it is: Missionaries can now call or Skype home on their P-Days - AKA Preparation Days - which is pretty awesome (and helpful!) So, as a result, MUCH more talking has taken place and very little writing has been done!
Elder Clancy has been happily serving as a Zone Leader in Siquani for about three transfers now. He has loved the many people he has been serving around and has appreciated the joys and challenges that have come his way! He has sent a few pics. Sadly, I don't know a whole lot about them, but they are pretty near!
Next page will have pics of his 20th B-day!
Tomorrow is transfers in the mission....let's see what happens???? Will he stay or will he go?
SUBWAY in the city (of Cusco most likely!) |
Elder Cromwell was Connor's MTC companion. They got some time together which they always seem to enjoy! They will also be coming home together, too! |
Hermana Villagomez, Kuntz, Gonzabay, DARIO, Elder Drury, myself, Elder Clawson, Elder Chamberlain. |
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