WEEK 68 - 71 Last few weeks in Abancay, Peru
Great meal at a restaurant! |
Elder Montoya was awesome!!
I only had a moment alone with him but he was VERY VERY nice to me.
He told me I'm doing the things right out here and to keep at it.
He said he knew I was the zone leader here and that I'm doing a good job.
Pretty special to me.
A lot of our conversations in Nov and the beginning of Dec were about Connor's College Applications and essays so there's not much news except that Elder Clobes came to Abancay for the last month or so of his mission. Connor was very excited!!
We have 2 conferences this week with Elder Montoya!! Should be special!!
Not too much to say. I LOVE my zone and my companions right now. We all have our differences but its aight. So blessed.
Nov 26th16 Months and Counting!
Message for the week:
Patience is virtue! Sorry I never write much, but have patience with me ;) We are just loving life out here in Abancay and are being blessed a ton!
´´Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.´´
Always thank God and trust in him!! Love y'all!
I'm fine momma!! Seeing elder clobes go is hard though!! (NOTE FROM MOM: Elder Clobes is Connor's trainer - the one who "trained" him as a missionary when he first came to Peru to serve. They have grown very close and Elder Clobes has been a great support and friend to Connor through his time in Peru. Seeing him leave has been a hard thing!)
Elder Clobes is the tall blonde in the center |
CLICK HERE for A quick glimpse on the streets of Peru!
A FEW LAUGHS FROM PERU: Even responsible missionaries have trouble taking out the trash! ha ha
CLICK FOR VIDEO: Connor's slight of the hand tricks never cease!
How to retrieve a ball from the roof. Step 1: Get Plunger. Attach plunger to a stick |
Yes! We have a plan! |
YES!! Victory!! |
Service Time! |
Real Food! |
Haircut time! |
SISTER ROJAS´ FAMILY GOT BAPTIZED AND WE GOT TO SKYPE TO SEE IT!! She is from Huancayo - where Josie is serving!! |
Zone Christmas Party - THANK YOU MOM and the OTHER MISSIONARY MOMS who helped make such awesome packages for all of us. As you can see EVERYONE LOVED them. They were grateful for all the love sent to all the missionaries in the whole mission. |
Dec 3rd
Connor has run into so many talented Peruvians that he would LOVE to start an import business where he can help market the items that the people of Peru make that would then help THEM to be financially independent! he asked if we knew about the taxes it takes to import good from South America for businesses? I haven't a clue - do any of you????
Neat Captain Moroni Zipper Pull |
We actually have cool people being taught right now!! One of our investigators is named Mildred. She has recieved 2 lessons and has already started to teach her friends. Really cool hahaha. The members here are very supportive.
I must tell you - I miss the US and realize its the greatest country ever.
Christmas conference is Wednesday in Cusco.
Grammy was telling me that I should have watched the Christmas Devotional hahaha We didn't get a chance to.
The first few days that Elder Clobes went home were hard. He was just a really good friend for me here in the mission. It's weird not having him around.
Everyone has kind of died off with the writing with the exception of a few people. It's ok though.
I'll probably get transferred this next week.
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