WEEK 54 - New Companion in Abancay
Hi Ma!
My new companion is Elder Zarate. He’s cool and from Bolivia. He’s a fun kid!
High points: P day was awesome. We played sports and ate cake for one of the sisters’ birthday.
This week I was in the terminal A LOT sending and receiving and sending and receiving again. Really was tired for awhile there.
My new zone is the BEST. I am positive it’s the best in the mish! Love it!!
Hna Topham and Hna Concepcion are both from my group and working super hard opening a brand new area.
We had another baptism this week which was special!! It was a long time investigator from literally a year ago!! Super cool!
There is a brand new missionary in the zone named Elder Halverson. He's a stud. You should fine his mom on fb. He's related to President Harbertson.
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