WEEK 16 - When ye are in the Service...
Hey Friends and Family!!
I really dont have too much to share about this week!!
The week was super duper fast lots of fun and lots of teaching! Loving it so much out here!!
If there's anything I can do for any of y'all please let me know!!
Remember to trust in the Lord and all things are possible!!
He said above he didn't have "too much" to share - I beg to differ as this is the best week of pictures since the MTC!! I love everything and just wish I knew more about each and every picture!!!
First things first!!
Feeling good both physically and emotionally!!
0 problems on my side so don't you worry!! Elder Clobes and I are getting along great and having fun teaching!
So this week!! I did divisions twice this week!! (In LDS American missionary lingo I think Connor means "splits" when you divide up and hang with a new companion for a time - sometimes a day or two; other times just for a few hours) I went once with Elder Owens and the other time with Elder Kelson!
Our 2 planned baptisms for this month won't happen until December! It's okay though.
With Elder Owens we did a lot of contacting and had tons of fun!! He's such a funny guy!
(I ASKED CONNOR ABOUT ELDER OWENS BC I NEVER HEARD HIS NAME - HERE IS HIS RESPONSE: Mom, He's originally from Utah then moved to Maryland then to Washington! Super cool guy!)
With Elder Kelson we sent letters and taught 3 lessons!! I sent a bunch of letters using the envelope system. Lots of money saved! All you will have to do is stick stamps on the letters when they arrive!
Connor said he lives way far in the distance
POP TARTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happiness from America!!!! THANKS for Elder Jensen for sharing with Connor
P-Day fun! They love microwave popcorn!!
SPORTS NIGHT has been a hit!!!
MOM FOUND THESE PICS ON ANOTHER ELDERS' PAGE from when Connor arrived in Cusco on the first day!! Some classic photos here!! THANKS to Elder Daybell for chronicling this big day - I never saw any of these!!
TAKEN FROM: THE LIGHT OF THE YBy: Kevin Worthen Sept 6, 2016.....Never Underestimate the Power Your Light Can Have
Fourth, and finally, never underestimate the power your light can have on others. Let me illustrate this with a reference to a lighthouse. All of us are familiar with lighthouses. They send out a beacon of light that can hopefully be seen in the worst weather. They mark the line where the sea ends and the land begins—a very important marker for those who are piloting boats, especially in bad weather.But lighthouses also have another role to play for those who are piloting boats. In addition to marking the place at which the sea ends and the land begins, lighthouses can, with the help of other lights, guide sailors through treacherous waters in which reefs and other unseen barriers might sink the ship. In such situations there is often only one safe passage to the harbor, and the only way the pilot knows the ship is in that passage is by maneuvering the ship so that the light at the top of the lighthouse aligns with a carefully placed light on the shore. Once the ship is in that position, it can proceed safely as long as those lights—the one in the lighthouse and the one on the shore—are in alignment with each other. If they are out of alignment, the ship is off course, and there is considerable risk of a tragic shipwreck.One writer related the following true example:More than a hundred years ago, a well-known Protestant preacher, Dwight L. Moody, shared a story of a ship trying to enter the Cleveland harbor on a very stormy night.The ship’s captain could see the bright light of the Cleveland harbor lighthouse. However, the lower lights weren’t visible at all. The lower lights were the way that ships identified the centerline of the safe entry to a harbor.Because the lower lights were not burning that night, the ship missed the entrance to the harbor and crashed into rocks. Many lives were lost.At the end of his sermon, Moody said, “Brethren, the Master will take care of the great lighthouse; let us keep the lower lights burning.” 8One of the members of Moody’s congregation that day was a man named Philip Paul Bliss, a musician. Bliss was so inspired by the lesson in Moody’s sermon that he wrote a hymn, which in our hymnbook is entitled “Brightly Beams Our Father’s Mercy.” Many of you will be familiar with the hymn. All of you should be. With the image of the lighthouse and this experience in mind, consider the message of the first verse of that hymn:Brightly beams our Father’s mercyFrom his lighthouse evermore,But to us he gives the keepingOf the lights along the shore.Let the lower lights be burning;Send a gleam across the wave.Some poor fainting, struggling seamanYou may rescue, you may save. 9The lighthouse of God’s love for His children is ever present and never moving. It is constant and always available. Some people will see it and will be drawn to it, but they may not know how to get to it. Your example may provide the lower light they need to see the safe passage. More may depend on how you use your time at BYU than just your own well-being. The light you gain here may influence others for eternity.There is a remarkable promise in Doctrine and Covenants 88:67, a promise Elder Dallin H. Oaks once called “the most significant promise ever given pertaining to education.”10 It reads:And if your eye be single to my glory, your whole bodies shall be filled with light, and there shall be no darkness in you; and that body which is filled with light comprehendeth all things.I urge you to let the Y light you in such a way that you are filled with that light. You will then be successful not only in this particular educational endeavor but also in the rest of your life.As I recently told the faculty and staff, and as I also recently told those at new student orientation, I now say to you all: You are not here by accident. God has a work to perform through you. Make Him the center of your efforts. Do what He would want you to do. Let His light shine more brightly through you as a result of your experiences at BYU. If you do, miracles will happen in your life and you will see the majesty of the Lord work in the lives of others. May you realize this blessing—may the light in you shine more brilliantly because of what you do at BYU—is my prayer, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, amen.
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